This follows the company getting a go-ahead from its lenders on Tuesday to recast its Rs 11,000-crore debt. "Crossing 20,000-MW of installed capacity underscores the confidence and trust the customers have placed in us over the years, and our track record in delivering with not only robust and reliable products but also truly dependable solutions."
The debt-ridden Pune-based company, which has a fully-owned subsidiary in Germany under the label of REpower, on Tuesday said it received approval from a consortium of 20 lenders led by the State Bank of India to recast Rs 11,000-crore of its over Rs 14,600 crore of debt under the corporate debt restructuring (CDR) mechanism. Its turbine fleet, spanning generations of products and technology from 1995 to the present day includes turbines ranging from as small as 300 kw (0.30 MW), to the world's largest commercially available offshore turbine at 6.15 MW. "Our focus has been on offering the most comprehensive onshore and offshore product portfolio and delivering customised solutions across the full wind energy value chain. This is highlighted by our service business contributing over USD 500 million in annual revenues, by our firm orderbook of over USD 6.8 billion and long-term service agreements totaling around USD 2 billion," Tanti said.
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Suzlon crosses 20,000-MW installed capacity
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